Personal Injury

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What’s the Difference Between Assault and Battery in California?

Have you been arrested or charged with assault or battery in California? Let Schwimer Weinstein build a solid case to protect you from criminal charges.

How to Deal with an Unfair Workplace

In this blog post, we cover how you, as an employee, can manage a very difficult and uncomfortable situation.

Can I Take My Dog to a Restaurant in Santa Monica?

Although dogs are allowed to visit dome restaurants with outdoor patios, dog owners are ultimately responsible for their actions. If a dog bites you in a restaurant in Santa Monica, you may have a claim against the dog’s owner for compensation.

What Should I Do If a Dog Bites Me On The Beach?

In this blog post, find out what you should do after a dog bite on the beach in Santa Monica.

Who is Responsible for My Dog Bite Injuries?

In this blog post, learn more about dog bite injuries and how is responsible for them.

Should You Hire a Personal Injury Attorney or Settle Your Case on Your Own?

Here are the many benefits hiring a personal injury attorney in Santa Monica.

What Can I Recover After a Car Accident?

A car accident can happen in a matter of seconds, but the financial and physical impact can last for years to come.

Neal Law Firm, PLC
15035 N. 73rd St., Ste. B
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 699-7992
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